
Friday, May 9, 2014

A Two-Bluebird Day

Taking advantage pf a warm and sunny day yesterday, I went off to scout what birds might be around my two favourite local, rural parks:  Old Woodlawn and Roche Percee.  

Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) have to high up on anybody's list of favourite birds.  They are so beautiful.

And this pair has been here through two late-spring snowfalls; still apparently nesting or intending to do so. 

An male  Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) was almost bouncing from one tree top to another, singing loudly as he could (bluebirds don't have loud voices).  I do hope a pretty little female shows up soon.

Both species nest at or near Roche Percee Park every year.   It is nice to live in the Eastern Prairies where many bird species overlap.