
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Return To Winter

A nasty, nasty storm invaded our space for the past 24 hours and counting.  A lot of wet, heavy snow and very high wind.  Power has been out some places.  I just got my cable & internet back on (6:00 p.m.)

At my neighbour Marian's place across the street, two huge old spruce trees came down on her house early this morning.  Thankfully, she (an elderly lady) was not hurt.  The yard next to her also had a spruce come down. 

View from my front door late this afternoon.  Snow drift.  I can barely get out my back door.  

The lower branches of my spruce tree

An early morning foray to my garage to get some seeds out for the poor, cold, wet and bewildered birds

And some of the birds feeding outside my windows during the day - Pine Siskins

A brightly coloured male American Goldfinch against the dull whiteness of Winter...

A male House Finch

A somewhat philosophical looking Chipping Sparrow

A Yellow-headed Blackbird popped into town for a feed

And, I guarantee the Eurasian Collared Doves are even more tired of crappy Winter than I am.  I'm sure a lot of them died when the spruce trees came down in the night. 

I'm so upset, but it isn't as bad as a tsunami or tornados....


  1. Wow, quite the storm! The birds are lucky to have you looking out for them!

  2. A disgusting day, Brenda. I'm sure if the birds could talk, a lot of their comments would have started with a basic W...T...F???

  3. Life in the north country. We just missed the snow but very windy and cold to boot. Hardly seems like a day for picking tulips and wildflowers for a May Basket. I've had it too! :)

  4. MayDay! MayDay! MayDay! In the call for help / In Trouble sort of way. As opposed to the Happy-Happy Flowery May Day. Glad the snow missed you in SE Minn.

  5. Those were huge trees! Poor you, poor birds! That is a true January scene in the wrong month. Val
