Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wildflowers And Turkeys

Last June, after my Churchill trip, I spent a day driving around the woods and marshes east of Winnipeg.  I love marshes and fens. 

 The Blue Flag Irises (Iris versicolor) were blooming (irises are my favourite garden flower) 

There are bugs on these flowers, wonder what they are.

 A Large Yellow Lady`s Slipper  (Cypripedium pubescens var. pubescens).  Another wild flower I am always delighted to find.

Some Yellow Pond-lily (Nuphar variegatum) pads with a flower bud

Two Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) toms....who were displaying and putting on a bit of a performance, until we got close.  I never have the `right` lens on my DSLR.

Oh well, it is always fun to see these big, rather ugly-yet-handsome birds.




  1. Lovely! This makes me want to get out there and discover new-to-me things! Love the turkeys!

    1. Thanks, Brenda. Makes me want to go anywhere green.
