Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rufous Crab Hawk

I'm having a hard time getting back into the groove of daily blogging.  There are some things to talk about from the very beginning of my trip at Pearson Int'l in Toronto, that isn't falling into place yet since it involves two people I travelled with - two lovely people, with whom I've become friends over the past three weeks.  I need to ask them if they mind being blog subjects.  Some people are more private than others, aren't they.


In the meantime, I had quite a few target birds I really wanted to see in Guyana and Trinidad.  Birding guide Rhonda in Georgetown took me out to the Abary River where we found Rufous Crab Hawks and Blood-coloured Woodpeckers, along with many other bird species.

This is the Rufous Crab Hawk  Buteogallus aequinoctialis

There were two perched beside the river when we arrived at the trail head.

These beautiful raptors aren't considered 'threatened' yet but their mangrove habitat along the coast is.

No pix of the Blood-coloured Woodpeckers (Veniliornis sanguineus) though.  We did find them - a pair fussing about in some brambles.  I waded in far enough to see both birds, but they were unco-operative about a photo session.

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